People can have views but know which vote banks drive that: Jaishankar on US’s human rights remark

On Wednesday, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar stated that the issue of human rights was not a focal point during the recent India-US 2+2 ministerial meeting. He emphasized that New Delhi would not hesitate to address the matter whenever it is raised for discussion.

Jaishankar clarified to reporters that the meeting primarily concentrated on political-military affairs, and human rights did not form part of the agenda. During a joint news conference on Monday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken had expressed the US’s monitoring of “concerning developments” in India, including an increase in human rights abuses by certain government, police, and prison officials.

While responding to a question, Jaishankar acknowledged that human rights had been discussed in the past, particularly during Secretary Blinken’s visit to India. He underscored that whenever the topic arises, New Delhi is forthright in expressing its views.

Jaishankar emphasized that both sides are entitled to their opinions, and India will not shy away from articulating its stance. He noted that India also voices its concerns regarding human rights situations in other countries, including the United States, especially when they pertain to the Indian community.

In conclusion, Jaishankar affirmed that New Delhi will not hesitate to address human rights issues and will openly express its views during discussions on the matter.